Form and Heart Everyday is a good day Friday, 13 March ― Sunday, 11 October 2020 *Period extended

To fold, to wrap, to tie.
Japan incorporates within its beautiful culture a particular way to interpret each other’s feelings in a courteous manner with simple demeanors.
“Origata”, the method of wrapping and tying gifts, is still very much a part of our everyday lives.
We present “Form” and “Heart” in this exhibition through the wisdom and aesthetics of Origata.
A gift can be not only something special, but also a simple thing that enriches our normal lives.
Learning the meaning of these demeanors and forms and then transforming them into actions, will bring us a small yet invaluable boost of vibrant energy.
This energy celebrates a relationship between people and nature, a gift that we can also pass on to future generations.
Ultimately, then, everyday is a good day.
We hope that our hearts will always be filled with warmth towards one another, both when offering and receiving a gift.
What is Origata?
A “feeling” describes a condition of the “heart” when it is touched by something.This condition of the “heart” is fluid, and moreover, invisible.
“Origata” was established as a method of gift wrapping and tying in the Muromachi era.
It is a beautiful Japanese practice that communicates an invisible “feeling” by translating it into certain visual styles of “form” and “object”.
Design isn’t limited only to creating the “form” of an “object”.
A type of behavior, such as a demeanor or an action, doesn’t have a form, but is perceived as design by Japanese people. Origata is a virtue which still plays an integral part in the offering of gifts to the present day.
Nobuhiro Yamaguchi + Midori Yamaguchi + Yuko Nishimura
Origata Design Institute
- Date:
- Before the change:|
Friday, 13 March― Sunday, 21 June 2020 - *After the change| Friday, 13 March ― Sunday, 11 October 2020
- Opening times :
- We are open with reduced opening hours for a while. Please check the news on our website for detailed information.
- Venue:
- ATELIER MUJI GINZA Gallery 2 (6F, MUJI GINZA) Admission free
- Organiser:
- Planning collaboration and Graphic design:
- Origata Design Institute
- Space design :
- Aya Yamagishi (Cycle Architects)
- Site construction :
- HIGURE 17-15 cas
- Planning and Management:
- Household Division / Household Design, Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. and ATELIER MUJI GINZA (MUJI GINZA)